lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Medical tech designed to meet Africa's needs

In this video, Soyapi Mumba a Malawian engineer talks about a project that start in 2006. He joins Baobab Health that is a team that uses local engineers to develop suitable interventions that are adressing health care challenges in Malawi.They design a software to record all health data from their patients. Then, while they are doing the software they realized that they need to implant a new infrastucture. They implement clinical ID's for all the patient and also they build their own towers for transmit network data between the hospitals in the capital of Malawi. At the moment this system is working so well an engineers arouns the world are coming to Malawi for knowing how they done it.

Quarterly: trimestral
Unplug: desconectar
Landscape: panorama, paisatge

I think that this is so interesting because a virus like HIV in Europe have minor effect because here are more medical revisions but in Africa it isn't the same. There a virus like this can be a problem because it can't be detected whit data records. For that reason the idea that they've got is super interesting because if they record all the data of their patients they can reduce they effects of more disseases.